2024 Review | OUR NEWS X
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That was another roller coaster year! How are you? Despite the challenges posed by lockdowns, we added to our list of awards and created a wealth of content.

Published: December 2021

This year our review highlights a series of Day in the Life films for Stagecoach, as well an internal training video on vehicle safety and First Use Inspection. It also features a further series of Building Financial Fortitude helping struggling businesses to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic for Quantuma, alongside a special Festive Performance featuring the London Gospel Choir.

We created animations telling the stories of a patient suffering with Hidradenitis Suppurativa and Chronic Kidney Disease launched on Medthority’s medical educational platform, and a live-stream event for Oscar’s Book Prize to reveal the annual competitions winner.

We’re also highlighting a series of student films for Kent & Medway Progression Federation, Calvermont’s Welcome Back campaign for Royal Tunbridge Wells Together, and a series of How to videos for Graticules Optics. Finally, we’re really pleased to show our support for Mental Health Resource and make them our Charity of the Year by volunteering our services to produce a campaign film for the West Kent organisation.

If you’re contemplating using video or animated content as part of your marketing or communications strategy, get in touch.

We’d love to start a conversation with you.

STUDIO: +44 (0)1892 520697 EMAIL: [email protected]

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