2024 Review | OUR NEWS X
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As we enter the fourth week of lockdown in the UK, we wanted to take stock and focus on the positive ways in which life has dramatically changed, not just here but across the globe.

Published: 15th April 2020

We’ve found that we’re talking more; to colleagues, clients and friends. Instead of sending emails and text messages, we’re FaceTiming, Skyping and Zooming, embracing any opportunities for ‘face to face’ contact.

For many, the novelty of working from home has worn off. There has been a noticeable drop in the number of photos of people having a beer with colleagues on video conference calls being shared on LinkedIn. Likewise, since schools closed, the number of photos of children ‘photo-bombing’ video conference calls has reduced. The challenges of juggling work whilst attempting to educate a child are hitting home.

We’re all adjusting to the new ‘normal’; restricted exercise sessions, fleeting contact (at a safe distance) with neighbours and conversations with friends about which supermarket feels ‘safest’ to visit for the weekly shop. But what we’re also seeing is the continued outpouring of stories. We’re putting more value on communicating effectively, both at home with our families, and remotely with our colleagues and clients.

The broadcast industry and the whole creative sector have been fast to adapt. So, here’s what we can do, and how we can help you communicate with your audience during these challenging times.


Never has animation been a stronger medium to communicate with your audience. We’re able to work remotely to help with the concept, script, illustration, animation and post-production including licensing music and sound design. Plus we have an international pool of talented voiceover artists to fulfil your needs.

Animation is a highly adaptable medium and there are many different styles of animation to suit different briefs. Here’s our showreel to share some examples of projects we’ve delivered for clients over the last decade.


We’re seeing the majority of TV and news broadcasters relying on remote filming via webcams. There are a wealth of software packages we can use to gather interviews with contributors, and ensure the framing and sound are the best quality available.

Interviews can then be combined in the edit suite with pre-existing graphics, presentations and footage to ensure we deliver professional content to you.


Have you ever considered licensing library footage? Archive footage is a great alternative that enables you to create a video that captures your messages and stories. We can also use photos and as well as combining graphics and text, animation techniques (commonly known as 2.5Dimension) can be used to bring them to life.

Using our expertise we can drive the process remotely, ensuring clear communication at all stages of production to deliver on time and on budget.


We’ve spent the last decade helping organisations capture their own story. Sometimes it’s referred to as user generated content (UGC), and we have equipped teams to create their own videos using UGC. Last month we decided to give away our ‘Free top tips for film-making’, which has proved extremely popular.

Our face to face camera training can be delivered remotely via video conferencing and we have a private studio where we can support the co-ordination of larger filming projects across multiple locations, collating material for us to edit in post-production to create polished and professional content for you.


We are used to working remotely in our private studio, so when it comes to post-production and editing, its pretty much ‘business as usual’ for us. We are well placed to help you effectively communicate with your audience and deliver content that emotes positive inspirational stories to help elevate your brand.

If you’re contemplating using video or animated content as part of your marketing or communications strategy, get in touch.

We’d love to start a conversation with you.

STUDIO: +44 (0)1892 520697 EMAIL: [email protected]

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