IK Partners | CASE STUDY X
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Growing concerns about social and environmental issues in society as well as more attention being given to corporate governance issues and increasing legal obligations on companies, has led to greater interest in how companies are governed, overseen and should operate to ensure that they carry on their business and behave in a responsible way. Specifically, companies are increasingly expected to consider purpose as well as profit, and the future of our planet and its peoples. All these various issues are collectively referred to as ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance).

ESG issues include, amongst other things, climate change and greenhouse gas emissions; energy efficiency and resource depletion; emissions to air, water and land pollution and waste; health and safety considerations; diversity, inclusion, and equal pay; stakeholder and community engagement; bribery and corruption; conflicts of interest and anti-money laundering.

Tom Chown, Co-Founder & Creative Director, is responsible for ensuring this ESG policy is implemented, however all employees, contractors and freelancers have a responsibility in their area to ensure that the aims and objectives of this policy are met.


We are a video production company, creating content that inspires connects and engages with its audience, through factual storytelling.

The Company aims to implement the highest ESG standards appropriate to its size and sector. The prosperity of the Company and of the communities within which it operates requires a commitment by it to the sustainable management of its activities.

We have demonstrated this commitment through our achievement of B-CorpTM certification, which involves a regular and vigourous assessment programme.

We commit to:
– keep abreast of the most up to date information available to us;
– understand the risks and opportunities ESG presents;
– take action to ensure that the Company continues to satisfy stakeholders and places itself in the best position for long term, sustainable development; and
– uphold the values represented by B-Lab, and continue our B-CorpTM certification long-term, improving our scores where possible.

The directors of the Company already have a duty under Section 172 of the Companies Act 2006, to promote its success. This means that each of its directors must act in the way they consider, in good faith, would promote the success of the Company for the benefit of its stakeholders.

However, in addition, the directors have decided to develop a robust and transparent ESG policy that goes further than this Companies Act duty and affects and enhances all areas of the Company’s business in line with ESG issues.


The Company will continue to monitor its success through the B-CorpTM certification process, which reviews our policies and practices relating to people, communities, and the planet. Our intention is to improve our score each time we are assessed, and our B-CorpTM score will be communicated internally and externally.


Digitom Ltd recognises that it has a responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continuously improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods.

We will involve and discuss with employees, contractors, and freelancers the implementation of this policy, for greater commitment and improved performance.  We will seek to use local labour and materials where available to support the local communities in which we work and reduce our carbon footprint.

We commit to:

– Comply with all relevant regulatory requirements.
– Continually improve and monitor environment performance.
– Continually improve and reduce environmental impacts.
– Incorporate environmental factors into business planning decisions.
– Increase employee, contractor, and freelancer awareness.

3.1 Paper

– We will minimise the use of paper in the office. We will do this by:
– Sharing communications digitally, both internally and externally.
– Asking clients to digitally sign contracts.
– Include THINK BEFORE YOU PRINT messaging on all internal documents.
– We will seek to buy recycled and recyclable paper products.
– We will reuse and recycle all paper where possible and print double sided.
– Any confidential client documents will be shredded and recycled.

3.2 Energy and water

– We use a green energy supplier and seek to reduce the amount of energy used as much as possible.
– Low energy LED light bulbs are used and will be switched off when not in use. Our office has zoned lighting, which can be adjusted as required.
– Office equipment is switched off when not in use, and not left in standby/sleep mode.
– Aircon heating will be adjusted with energy consumption in mind.
– We will use rechargeable batteries with all our cameras.
– All crew are asked to bring their own reusable water bottle/drinks cup on location.

3.3 Office supplies

– We will endeavor to ensure all marketing and promotional collateral is environmentally sustainable.
– We will evaluate if the need can be met in another way.
– We will evaluate if renting/sharing is an option before purchasing equipment.
– We will favour more environmentally friendly and efficient products wherever possible.
– Ink cartridges used in the office will either be returned to supplier for refill or recycled.
– Using reusable containers and bags to transport equipment and smaller items on location.
– We will reuse and recycle everything we are able to.

3.4 Transport

– We will reduce the need to travel, restricting to necessary trips only.
– We will promote the use of travel alternatives to clients, such as use of video/phone conferencing wherever possible.
– We will encourage and make additional efforts for all employees, contractors, and freelancers to use public transport or bicycles wherever possible.
– On occasion where car travel is necessary car sharing is encouraged using our EV.

3.5 Maintenance and cleaning

– Cleaning materials will be used as environmentally friendly as possible.
– Materials used in any office refurbishment will be as environmentally friendly and sustainable as possible.
– We will only use licensed and appropriate organisations to dispose of waste.

3.6 Sharing and upholding best practice

– Communicating our environmental principles, sharing experience with regulatory bodies, clients, suppliers, other companies, our workforce, and members of the public
– Continuously improving environmental performance and integration of recognised environmental best practice into business operations
– Encouraging development of products, processes, and equipment with concern for the future of the environment
– Promoting environmentally friendly responsible purchasing


4.1 Our culture

We are committed to the well-being and continual development of our people and to training our workforce.  Our employees / contractors / freelancers (our workforce) are appreciated, valued, and given regular feedback so that they have a clear understanding of their role and how they contribute to the business.

We operate a meritocracy, where all members of our workforce are recognised and rewarded based on their performance, effort, contribution, and achievements. We support diversity, fairness and equal opportunities and aim to involve and consult regularly with regular and trusted members of our workforce as to the direction of the business. We will develop our workforce by providing on-the-job feedback and guidance, so they can improve their skills and knowledge in their chosen field.

We expect our employees to act with integrity towards one another and exercise a high standard of business practice and workmanship.

We have additional workplace policies in place to support fairness at work, which include anti-harassment and bullying, disciplinary and capability policy and procedure, equal opportunities, ethical conduct policy and grievance procedure.

4.2 Our clients

We aim to build long term relationships with all our clients and other stakeholders by understanding their objectives as they evolve over time and meeting their needs.  We will provide them with good value, consistent quality, and reliability.  We have the highest professional and ethical standards and will be honest, open, and transparent in all our dealings with clients.

4.3 Our community

We recognise and understand the significance of the local community within which we operate. We aim to enhance our contribution to the community by being sensitive to the needs of local people and groups and promoting ethical and socially responsible trading. We actively support and donate a minimum of 5% per year of our time to charities/non-profit organisations within our community.

4.4 Our additional commitment

We will:

– Prohibit any infringement of human rights by the Company, its directors and workforce, and by those in its goods and services supply chains.
– Prohibit any participation in or connection with any modern slavery, child labour or human trafficking.
– Avoid investment in or any other connection with industries with a negative social impact, for example, gambling, tobacco, pornography, or weapons manufacture / sales.
– Encourage ethical behaviour and decision-making within the Company and amongst its supply chain.
– Ensure compliance by the Company with workplace health and safety laws and standards, and mitigating risks to health and safety in the workplace.
– Maintain suitable privacy and data security measures in respect of all stakeholders of the Company.
– Encourage and assist our workforce to have a work/ life balance with a flexible and considerate approach to employment and working practices, including working from home.
– Provide sponsorship for initiatives or events run by or benefiting local worthy causes.
– Ensure that the Company’s services meet all relevant standards of safety and quality for the benefit of its clients.
– Engage local suppliers where appropriate.
– Pay the Company’s suppliers properly and on time.


Our Co-Founder & Creative Director sits on the Kent & Medway Business Advisory Board, which is a voluntary position feeding into central government on a range of issues.

The Company has the following objectives in relation to our practices to implement the governance aspects of our policy:

– Ensuring that the Company complies with, at least, all applicable local and national laws and regulations, relevant standards and codes of practice relating both generally and to transparency and corporate governance.
– Promoting the use of best practice on corporate governance when relevant and possible, and setting goals and establishing accountability.
– Ensuring that the Company promotes strong oversight and transparency at all levels of its organisation.
– Regularly reviewing directors’ remuneration to ensure it is proportionate and fair.
– Ensuring that the Company adopts and implements adequate internal controls, processes, procedures, and proactive risk management.
– The Company is committed to establishing and maintaining high standards of business ethics through the Ethical Conduct policy and promotion of a culture of integrity, honesty, ethical and responsible conduct in its business activities and behaviours.
– The Company is committed to ensuring that no corruption, bribery, money laundering or internal misconduct activities are taking place in the business.
– Ensure the Company reviews its policies on a regular basis and introduces new policies when regulation or best practice indicates this is recommended in the context of upholding ESG policies.
– Ensuring that the Company cultivates strong stakeholder relationships through transparency, open communications and responding to stakeholder input on ESG issues.
– Dealing with regulators, tax authorities and auditors and other relevant stakeholders in an open and co-operative manner.
– Ensuring the resilience and long-term preservation of value for the Company’s business.

This policy was last updated on 30th September 2024.

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