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Tonbridge & Tunbridge Wells Community First Responders Logo

CPR - How to save a life | TTWCFR

Production of a campaign film


Tonbridge & Tunbridge Wells Community First Responder volunteers provide emergency medical support and are trained to attend emergency calls, alongside South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmb). As part of our corporate social responsibility commitment we selected them as our ‘Charity of the year’ to create a campaign film that demonstrates what to do in the event someone has a cardiac arrest.


We collaborated with the charity to dramatise an incident involving a cardiac arrest in a busy shopping centre, where two bystanders come to the aid of our patient and dial 999.

SECAmb’s communications officer guides our good Samaritans through how to administer CPR, locate a public defibrillator and successfully resuscitate the patient, before a volunteer responder and ambulance crew arrive.

Filmed in the Royal Victoria Place shopping centre in Tunbridge Wells, our narrator-led film is voiced by a cardiac survivor, Frankie. Distributed on SECamb’s YouTube channel the film is also used by Tonbridge & Tunbridge Wells Community First Responders at training events.

Behind the scenes filming
Behind the scenes filming

We are delighted to be given this opportunity to work with Digitom to create this awareness film.


Fergus, Chairman and Trustee

If you’re contemplating using video or animated content as part of your marketing or communications strategy, get in touch.

We’d love to start a conversation with you.

STUDIO: +44 (0)1892 520697 EMAIL: [email protected]

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