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PIB TV | PIB Group

Internal video communications


PIB Group is a dynamic and diversified insurance intermediary group providing specialist insurance solutions across the UK and overseas. We were briefed to create a quarterly magazine show, capturing stories and sharing best practice across the business for the company’s internal audience across the globe.

PIB TV Presenter Lorraine Hambleton
A meeting in an office


The presenter-led format focuses on one region per episode, with a mixture of stories such as customer case study films, user generated content from other regions and news in brief sharing product updates and best practice. The 10 minute programme is broadcast on the company intranet and sits along-side regular ‘Executive updates’.

A meeting in an office
An interview with a contributor

PIB TV provides the flexibility to handle multiple messages and voices across our growing international group, reaching 3600+ employees.

Digitom support us bringing creativity and helping to deliver an award winning formula – the feedback has been fantastic.

Lorraine Hambleton, Group Head of Communications and Engagement


Lorraine was awarded ‘Marketer of the Year’ at the Women in Insurance Awards 2023 for her submission of PIB TV.

PIB TV behind the scenes
PIB TV behind the scenes

If you’re contemplating using video or animated content as part of your marketing or communications strategy, get in touch.

We’d love to start a conversation with you.

STUDIO: +44 (0)1892 520697 EMAIL: [email protected]

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