
Tu Clothing

Sainsbury’s Tu Clothing is the fashion brand of Sainsbury’s, one of the UK’s largest supermarket chains. Known for offering stylish, functional clothing at affordable prices, Tu has built a strong reputation for responsible sourcing.


In 2013 the global garment industry was struck by one of its worst disasters when the Rana Plaza in Bangladesh collapsed, claiming over 1,134 lives and injuring thousands. In partnership with ITN Productions, we were tasked with creating a corporate social responsibility film that explores how Tu clothing is made.


We suggested a fly-on-the-wall documentary style, following the Managing Director of General Merchandise and Business Director for Tu Clothing as they travelled to Bangladesh to visit their regional office and meet suppliers.

Over the course of a week, we filmed around Dakha and the surrounding region, working closely with the Sainsbury’s team. We visited nearby factories to get a firsthand look at the working conditions and how the employees were being treated.

The Directors were eager to observe the progress made in environmental responsibility and ensure these improvements were consistently applied across all factories.

While on location, we also captured photography for inclusion in Sainsbury’s annual 20×20 Sustainability report.

Digitom’s major strength is their client-facing skills – clients trust them quickly and they have a good attitude for problem solving and delivering what the client wants.

Derek, Executive Producer, ITN Productions